Pilgrim Isaac Allerton Society
Membership -Pilgrim Isaac Allerton Society
Regular membership in the society is open to all persons age eighteen and over who can prove they have a sufficiently documented bloodline descent from Isaac Allerton. Persons who have no descent, but have an interest in Isaac Allerton and his family may join as Associate members.
Current Members
$10.00 for 1 year dues for Regular and Associate members or $30.00 for 3 years.
If paying by check, please send dues to our Treasurer: Kristen Bryant Perella -
22 Corinthian Rd, Somerville MA 02144
If you have questions regarding your dues,
please contact Kristen at:
To pay via PayPal, copy this link and paste
in a web browser:
New Members
Regular and Associate Membership:
Please contact our Historian, Linda Hoffman,
for an application form.
Send the completed application, and a check for dues and application fee to her. (Application fee of $15.00 with $10.00 for 1-year membership, or
Application fee of $15.00
with $30.00 for 3-years membership).
Linda's email address is
Regular Membership: If you are a member of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, you are also required to send a copy of your approved GSMD application to our Historian, Linda.
Click our Pilgrim, on the left, for a picture of
our Membership Certificate you receive
when you become a member!
Map of Plimoth in 1627. The Allerton house is 'g' on the map above. (credit: Plimoth Patuxet)
Life in Plimoth as depicted by role players at Plimoth Patuxet. (credit: Plimoth Patuxet)